I had actually meant to write this during the evening of Christmas day but, well, you know how it is..... lots of very nice food and wine as well as one-armed cooking had taken it's toll. Then yesterday I promised myself that I would get a few minutes, and here we are yet another day gone.
Y and I went out for a bit of fresh air on Christmas afternoon whilst waiting for the goose to cook. (Slightly delayed by the fact that I had stored said bird in the porch which turned out to be a bit colder than I thought it was).
It was still very cold, the frost making beautiful patterns, including these frost flowers under the bridge where the stream runs under the motorway.
The picture doesn't really do them justice but I really wanted you to see them. The little "flowers" were just sitting on top of the frozen stream. The day was still very bright and clear when we set out.....
And I don't think that I have ever seen the M6 look so quiet....
After an hour or so, just as we made a quick call home to discover that D had all goose cooking under control the sun began to set...
Producing some beautiful colours...
Today is much more Cumbrian, wet, grey and in your bones cold rather than frosty, wrap up warm kind of weather.
Looking forward now to a new year which in lots of ways should be better than this one was.