Saturday, 16 July 2011

The Give-Away

The Summer Give-Away is upon us! I know it was supposed to be for 100 posts, but somehow they slipped past taking me unawares and so I opted for this instead....
The prize will go to the first name pulled out of the hat  on 1st August. (Just in case interested folks are away on holiday). All you have to do is leave a comment on today's post.

Included in the box are some special French soaps, Sparkly gift tags and a rather nice tea towel. Can you spot the whisk at the bottom of the box? Wishing you all luck and awaiting your comments... Even a word or two will get your name in the draw.

Thought you might  like to see the picture from the wedding that i was roneying on about last month... (Aberdeen word for going on about endlessly).

It doesn't show the cakes in great detail but you get the drift...
Just to keep blowing my own trumpet .. the very first things I have ever grown in the garden...

Good luck and hoping to hear from you all soon. x