Sunday, 12 September 2010

Geeks and Cakes

Thought you might like to see a quick snap of dining / everything room this morning. D and friends were in here yesterday and the boys stayed overnight. They appear to have formed some sort of a geek club. This is what you get........
4 very big computers, 8 screens, some speakers, miles and miles of wires and a fair bit of mess.

On the other hand you could have this:-
When I collected Suzy, the woman I got her from said " well I gee er sum milk wee a wee bitt watter. Sum oh them wee catty biscuits, they're good fur the bowels" Well of course things had to change.... Straight on to the science plan biscuits with the offer of kitten milk (which she won't go near) and a little bit of tuna. (none of us can stand the smell of wet cat food). Suzy was pleased, delighted even until yesterday when this appeared....

Trying out my new Ikea cupcake tin and specially fitting cases to get the quantities right before actually making them for a purpose, K tried one, ( well maybe more than one just to see if they were as expected.) Suzy dived straight in and snatched it from her hand before it could reach her mouth and devoured a whole one. Quite a feat as it is nearly as big as her. They must be ok then!

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