Wednesday, 11 May 2011


I know, I know it's been ages but I've been doing "stuff".

A bit of this... Actually I'm not very good and Shannon here knows it, but the boss was nearby and just out of the picture.... makes me look better!
Also spent some time pottering about at the stable which is fantastic...fresh air and away from all the other stuff.
Some of the other "stuff" has been good too though. Like this.....

A baby giraffe. I was asked to do a "welcome baby" cake. Not a problem, lemon sponge, some daisies, a few butterflies....sorted. Then came the request for a giraffe. Giraffes are, I have discovered, tricky beasts. All legs and neck and very hard to get to stand on cake. Hence the sitting baby giraffe who looks quite comfotable in his field of daisies.....

Other "stuff" has included doing a bag-pack in Marks and Spencer with girl child and holding the fort whilst Y took boy child to have a look at Warwick University. It's all go here you know....