Well... what a week this has been! My first bake for the local cafe bar. Now just keeping my fingers crossed that it was all ok... No complaints so far though so things looking up. Hummingbird Cupcakes like the one on the right (further down the bloggy bit) and a Brooklyn Blackout cake Very Chocolatey but with a few tweaks of the recipe very yummy as well. Thank you to Rachel for letting me know about books and mistakes.
A brilliant bonfire, fireworks and food with friends last weekend. I suppose it seems like a long time ago but here are one or two of the pictures taken during the evening......
The colours inside the fire were glorious...
The evening was a bit misty but I was determined to get a picture of the moon. So with LOTS of help from a professional this is what I came up with....
Of course having crossed the border there was a dram or two to be had (unluckily for me I was driving so had to miss this bit) and so some of the pictures became a little ... well ... different... How about "Fire through Fire Water"....
No bonfire night would be complete without a few toffee apples... The sticks are a bit odd because I had one of those I'm sure I have sticks somewhere moments... and didn't so improvised with clothes pegs of all things...
And lastly a huge sigh of relief as I found out today that I had passed at least one part of the dreaded physics exam... Yippee!
Hope all is well with you... back soon