Monday, 14 February 2011

Where do you blog?

Penny over at suggested that we should show everyone where we do our blogging, with us in situ so to speak. And so here I am a little late in the day having survived being at work, well just about anyway.

I think I look, how shall I put this? A bit crumpled and it might have been better to leave my glasses on. The trouble is that when I take them off it takes ages to find them again!
Today brought work, but also a surprise in the form of flowers.

There were others as well but I just love the way the Gerberas stand up like huge daisies. A smile in a flower. Hope you all had a good day, it's all up from here on in.


  1. How do you blog in the middle of a forest?
    It looks very Little Red Riding Hood-ish!

  2. Ah well my kitchen is in the middle of the forest. At least, one wall of it is.

  3. You don't look crumpled at all - every bit as in the Pink as your lovely Gerberas. At least that is three of us who have bared all so to speak.

    Sue x

  4. Oh my godness just found you did it ! Thank you so much. Hi, nice to "meet" you !
