Thursday, 17 February 2011

Gingerbread Dreams

Left alone, with no-one "helping", it's amazing what you can get up to....

Streets of houses....

Herds of wild horses.....

Teeny ducks swimming away.........

Dare devil little men and women.....

All huddled together! 
Have a good day.


  1. How are you managing to stop yourself from eating this entire Gingerbread community??? :0)

  2. ooooooh they look so yummy! I'm with Jill, if that would have been me, they wouldn't have made it to the picture stage!

    Have a super day!

    Vanessa x

  3. I love these! Are they part of a larger project? They look time consuming, but rather gorgeous! :)

  4. They are so easy and really don't take much time. The little men were needed as cupcake toppers (Gingerbread cupcakes) for tomorrow and I just kept going. I've popped them into a syrup tin and will take them to work tomorrow as Friday coffee biscuits.

  5. So what is a collection of gingerbread people known as ? The biscuit tin tribe ?

  6. I think it probably rains a lot where you are too - but you put your time to far better use!!


  7. This made me smile Helen! Just lovely..I especially like the way you've arranged them for the photos, sweet & funny! Love to you xo
